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REVIEW: The Producers

Obscene, offensive, and downright hilarious

ADC The Producers the tab

“Shocking, insulting and outrageous and I loved every minute of it” – the first review of 'Springtime for Hitler', the musical within a musical which The Producers centres on, is the perfect review of the production itself. It was indeed shocking; the incredible acting, show-stopping choreography and pure hilarity throughout left the audience with aching jaws. The perfectly crafted caricatures of homosexuals and Nazis also made for entertaining viewing, although at parts it was unclear whether or not it was appropriate to laugh: it was simply outrageous!

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The casting was spot-on and allowed the immense talent of each actor to shine through. Meg Coslett was perfect for the role of Max Bialystock, the Broadway producer whose best days are behind him. It was clear to see that huge amounts of time had been dedicated to rehearsing for the show as the acting was completely flawless and highly convincing. Conor Dumbrell’s portrayal of the accountant Leopold Bloom was equally as brilliant; most of his scenes were utterly hilarious. One of his most memorable moments was when he first gets his blanket out and goes into hysterics, a scene which had the audience absolutely crying with laughter. Although every actor was incredible, Leo Reich as Roger deserves a special mention for the energy and vibrancy he brought to the musical numbers 'Keep it Gay' and 'Heil Myself'. Joy Gingell must also be commended for her depiction of the Swedish girl, Ulla, which frequently had the audience in stitches.

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Many different factors contributed to the brilliance of this production. The choreography was remarkable all round; whether it was old ladies dancing with zimmer frames or Nazis skipping around stage during 'Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop', the musical numbers did not fail to entertain. Furthermore, the simple yet superb set-design worked wonderfully and allowed for smooth transitions, although it was a shame that from the position where I was seated I was able to see actors backstage, which was rather distracting. Bialystock’s office consisted of a sofa, desk and coat rack, which were all well incorporated into the performance. Perhaps the most offensive, yet hilarious, set design came during 'Springtime for Hitler', where there was a huge rotating swastika amidst two enormous Nazi banners. Anyone seeing an image from the show out of context would truly be shocked; however, the pure obscenity of such scenes contributed greatly to the play’s humour.

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The Producers is absolutely unmissable. The combination of all-round talented actors bringing unbounded energy to their roles and well supporting technical elements makes for a highly comical viewing. It certainly does not disappoint!

4.5/5 stars

The Producers is on at the ADC Theatre until Saturday 24th March.