Image may contain: Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Jar, Sphere, Ball, Bowl, Produce, Plant, Orange, Grapefruit, Fruit, Food, Flora, Citrus Fruit, Person, People, Human

Live-tweeting my Valentine’s Day

How can I be lonely if I share my life with the whole of Cambridge? Logic.

Being single cambridge life cambridge student picturehouse Shakespeare studying English valentine's day

9.00: Oh my god, why did I drink so much wine last night?

9.15: Snooze the alarm.

9.20: Snooze the alarm.

9.25: Snooze the alarm.

9.30: Turn the alarm off.

11.00: Oh shit.

11.01: Remember with sadness it's Valentine's Day and I'm alone for the 20th year in a row. Great.

11.02: Whatever, it's fine, I'm not actually bothered. Shall I tweet "I prefer pancake day anyway"? Type out tweet. Nah.

11.03: Message group chat "Merry Valentines Day" instead. At least we're all alone. Alone together…therefore, not alone. Am I right? I'm right.

11.40: Check the Porters' Lodge on my way through. No surprise cards. I don't care.

11.41: "Ahhh! Where are the flowers in your pidge on this fine morning?" Classic porter banter. Cheers for reminding me.

11.45: Walking to lectures. Oh my god, wtf it is so windy. Turns direction. Oh brilliant.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

11.46: Wow I really hope the lecturer is fit today – a Valentine's treat from the English fac.

11.47: OH my god, my flask is leaking.

11.50: Ha! I'm like one of those signs, "love smells like freshly ground coffee". I smell like love today. Fitting. Lol.

12.05: Ok the lecturer is old. But, I don't think I'd say no if I was 50.


2.00: Okay, time for essay, followed by essay, followed by essay.

Image may contain: Reading, Room, Library, Interior Design, Indoors, Book


3.25: Really shouldn't have had so much wine last night.

4.15: Bored.

4.57: Bored and alone.

5.00: Ooooo photo booth.

Image may contain: Pc, Laptop, Computer, Person, People, Human, Keyboard, Electronics

Just checking in on my FBI agent. You're the only one who is ALWAYS there for me. Happy Valentine's.

6.43: Ok, essay done. I now have 17 minutes to eat dinner and get to the Picturehouse… which is a 20 minute walk away.

6.38: Dinner in a polystyrene box from the buttery. It's not quite a candlelit Valentine's dinner, but it's actually even faster service than McDonald's.

6.43: Need to eat fast.

6.45: Oh my god, I have indigestion.

6.51: Slow jog to the Picturehouse. Oh, great. Rain too.

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Is this why I'm single?

6.59: Going to be late for the film. I wonder if my Dos will be there, since she bought tickets for the college? Wait, does that make my Dos my Valentine? Kill me now.

7.06: Phew, hasn't started yet. Sorry, sorry, can I just squeeze past? Whoops, sorry, oh sorry. Made it.

8.30: Interval. I am such a classic English student. I don't wanna think what I'm thinking…but I've thought it now. Yes, Shakespeare has, in fact, saved my Valentine's Day.

9.15: Oh look, there's my Dos! Oooo and she's with her husband, wow Shakespeare play on Valentine's day, they've nailed it. #goals

9.30: Ah yes! I've been meaning to see the lights show, I'm so glad it's still on! Even more romance for me, myself, and I.

Hands up if you regret putting your hands up in this photo

10.15: Wine time.

10.30: Should I go out?

10.32: Nah

10.34: Could be fun though?

10.37: No.

10.45: Yes, let's go.

10.50: I really shouldn't.

10.55: One more glass… then we'll see. You never know, I still might be yet to find my Valentine in Fez smoking area.