We Are Cambridge 2012

Want to rewrite your past? JOE BATES shows you how with Oliver Rees’ latest contribution…

2012 anonymous pigeon Facebook graduationw library whispers memories oliver rees pidgesecret we are cambridge year book

Graduation offers a singular chance to rewrite your years at Cambridge.

With Facebook’s new ‘Timeline’ feautre offering a remorselessly accurate memory of your time at uni, Oliver Rees has a new project to help you commemorate your time here.

Rather than a thousand blurry photos of you looking up at a camera hoisted above the seething masses of Cindies, ‘We Are Cambridge 2012’ offers a slightly sleeker, more rose tinted view of the past.

Rees told The Tab:

‘We Are Cambridge 2012 is a different sort of yearbook. Every year thousands of students graduate from Cambridge with incredible memories, but apart from a small set of college yearbooks there is no real place to make a record of those memories.’

If you are graduating in 2012 you can register now for your page. For the moment, everyone’s page is hidden, but on July 1st they will all be made visible (though just how visible will be up to you).

The Anonymous Pigeon is making a comeback too: You can add images, text, drawings and send anonymous messages and future predictions to friends. Hopefully we will also be printing real life year books for everyone who wants one. We Are Cambridge 2012 is the first yearbook of its kind, and we really really hope you like it.

The Tab has been given an exclusive sneak peek of some of the profiles website. Check em out:


