Drag Race best episodes

The 10 best RuPaul’s Drag Race episodes of all time, according to IMDb

Number nine is honestly so rogue

Everyone has their favourite episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race, but according to IMDb, these 10 are absolutely the best of the best. After we rounded up the worst rated episodes of Drag Race yesterday – it only felt right to look at the best on the flip side. Unlike the 10 worst, which all came from the latter end of the franchise – this is a real mix of absolute Drag Race classics that helped shape the show into the cultural juggernaut of queer talent that it is today. Here are the 10 best episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race of all time, ranked according to their rating by fans on IMDb.

10. Oh My Gaga (Season 9)
IMDb Rating: 8.8

Drag Race best episodes

Season nine of Drag Race kicked off with one of the best episodes ever, and I’m glad it’s represented on this list as the 10th greatest in herstory. Lady Gaga was honestly the guest judge of dreams – everything the audience and the queens ever wanted her to be. Couple her excellence with a great cast of queens and amazing runway looks that celebrated the iconic fashion of Gaga and the hometown runway look for the queens to showcase their own brand and you have a recipe for a classic.

9. The Finale (Season 6)
IMDb Rating: 8.9

This one’s quite a rogue choice to make the top 10 in my opinion, but I guess it’s a nice reflection of the excellence of season six. A top three of absolute fan favourites who all deserved the crown in their own way! Whilst not an episode I’d rush to rewatch and have a laugh with, it’s a good finale for most fans’ favourite season.

8. An Extra Special Episode (Season 14)
IMDb Rating: 8.9

Drag Race best episodes

Honestly, this episode deserves its spot on the list for the absolutely breathtaking cinematography alone. LOOK at that shot of Camden and Bosco. It deserved an Academy Award. ART! All of the queens killed their lip syncs this episode, and despite it only being a few weeks old it has nearly a thousand reviews on IMDb and has become an instant fan fave.

7. Madonna: The Unauthorised Rusical (Season 12)
IMDb Rating: 8.9

So glad to see this sitting extremely pretty in the top 10 best episodes of Drag Race ever, because let’s face it, it is. I’m personally a die hard Madonna fan – so seeing a Rusical done to this level of excellence with such love and attention to the writing and references from Madonna’s career was just incredible. The season 12 girls didn’t miss a beat. No one should have gone home that week!

6. I’m That Bitch (Season 12)
IMDb Rating: 9.0

Drag Race best episodes

This is how you start a season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, baby! If we’re going to do a split premiere, do it like I’m That Bitch. The season 12 girls ate up their verses on this absolute banger – Widow Von Du BEYOND iconic, Gigi Goode so well written and Nicky Doll gave it main pop girl en Francais! Add all that to Nicki Minaj being an absolute hoot as the guest judge and you’ve got an episode for the ages.

5. Snatch Game (Season 6)
IMDb Rating: 9.2

Season six was a cast bursting with talent, and Snatch Game showed that to full effect. It’s just an episode of absolutely classic quotes and moments. BenDeLaCreme’s Maggie Smith is a Snatch Game revelation, but almost equally as funny are Bianca Del Rio’s Judge Judy and Adore Delano’s Anna Nicole Smith. A classic.

4. RuPaul Roast (Season 5)
IMDb Rating: 9.2

The RuPaul Roast is a historical episode of Drag Race. It should be in museums. Season five was TV heaven, but this episode tipped it into legendary status and it’s undoubtedly one of the best episodes of Drag Race we’ve ever had. The main challenge was good, but it was Alyssa Vs Roxxxy in the bottom two that had jaws on the ground. Whip My Hair, the wig reveal, the amazing passion and effort from both and then the first ever “Shantay you both stay” – feat a weepy Ru. CLASSIC.

3. Grand Finale (Season 9)
IMDb Rating: 9.2

Drag Race best episodes

Honestly, the season nine Drag Race finale changed everything forever. Period. The lip sync for the crown formula shook it all up, and the fight to the crown from the incredibly strong top four culminated in Sasha Velour’s rose petal wig reveal So Emotional gag of the millennia. I can’t rewatch it without literally getting goosebumps.

2. Moulin Ru (Season 14)
IMDb Rating: 9.3

Moulin Ru, the most recent episode of Drag Race to air, his come in as the second best of all episodes ever. And you know what? It kind of deserves. On all fronts. The reviews will probably drop slightly, but it’s already had around 1000 ratings and to maintain this score is extremely impressive. It’s a testament to not only how great the Rusical was, but how good the storyline and the Werk Room drama was too. And the lip sync. It was just all excellent TV – if we turn a blind eye to the runway.

1. The Daytona Wind (Season 14)
IMDb Rating: 9.4

Drag Race best episodes

And here we are, the best rated of all episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race: Season 14’s The Daytona Wind. It’s only a month old, but definitely already feels like a classic. So much to love in this episode, and every queen kills it. I wish they hadn’t bothered with the fart twist personally – but when the queens are acting as funny as they are in this episode and when the writing isn’t as piss poor as it usually is for scripted challenges I’ll let it slide. Match it with an amazing runway (erm, Lady Camden!) and a great lip sync with no bottoms – it’s just drag excellence.

Untucked being so good this week too just added to the week, with Jasmine emotionally and bravely coming out as trans in one of the most moving scenes in the show’s herstory.

Catch RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14 every Saturday on the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents PlusFor all the latest Drag Race memes and Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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