Eloise Davies

Eloise Davies
Cambridge University


The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.


Wrong GU President announced?

‘Feckless and inconsequential’ – the Grad Union can’t count

The Penelopiad: Edinburgh Preview

ELOISE DAVIES chats to Alex Cartlidge and Marthe de Ferrer about funding, feminism and insularity, ahead of the opening of their show at the Fringe.

Romeo and Juliet: Edinburgh Preview

ELOISE DAVIES talks to director Matilda Wnek about her hip, drug-guzzling modern adaptation of the Bard’s classic love story.

May Week Mixology

ELOISE DAVIES rustles up some magical May Week cocktails for all your Ball boozing and punt tripping needs.

Historical CUSU, Part 2 – King’s Special

ELOISE DAVIES and DMITRY KIRPICHENKO continue their exploration of historical University societies, and find everyone’s favourite radical college more active than ever.

CUSU: Then and Now

Think CUSU is an odd place now? Try the 1990s, say ELOISE DAVIES and DMITRY KIRPICHENKO.

Cantabrigians are stupid too

It’s not all Nobel prizes and political glory amongst our alumnae. ELOISE DAVIES wants you to choose the worst of the worst.

Where not to go this summer

Think your summer is going to be anticlimactic? Don’t worry, says ELOISE DAVIES. It could be so much worse.

Would You Rather – Exams Special

We ask you a question harder than any exam.

How to spice up your revision

ELOISE DAVIES says ditch the notes and try something a little different.

Why Peterhouse is better than Trinity

ELOISE DAVIES defends our oldest and smallest college against its “Worst College” title.

College Marriage Update: 6 months on…

ELOISE DAVIES discovers divorce, incest and general marital chaos.

Beware the Prelimers

Run for the fens, a plague is coming!

What did you give up for Easter?

ELOISE DAVIES asked you about your Lent endeavours. You delivered.

The Adventures of Hercule Porterot

ELOISE DAVIES channels Agatha Christie in a tale of crime in Cambridge.