You guys really don’t stop. Here’s a run down of the craziest clubbers from York this week.
Hotties of the week
All five now probably have the same profile picture
Runners up
Vintage Revs
Hero of the week
Not everyone gets a filter on their Revs photo
Creep of the week
“I think they’ve forgotten about the restraining order”
VK Saleswoman of the week
“Would you like a sip of holy water?”
Runner up
“Orange and passion-fruit is a severely underrated flavour”
Most unimpressed with physical contact
“Can someone get me some hand sanitiser?”
Best contribution to novelty suiting
“Don’t tell my Mum how much this cost”
Best two for one hair cut
I hope it was buy-one-get-one-free
Most nonchalant cum face of the week
He just looks happy to be there
Best adherence to cultural phenomena
The dab is a dance in which the dancer simultaneously drops the head while raising an arm, briefly resting the face inside the elbow in a gesture that has been noted to resemble “proper sneezing etiquette”
Best attempt at hiding embarrassing levels of sweat with gun fingers
No one has noticed bro, you’re alright
Home counties residents of the week
Not acceptable in the slightest
Most possessed clubber of the week
“The power of christ compels you”
Caged clubbers of the week
And stay there you filthy animals
Squad of the week
Please tell me more about how you play rugby…
Here’s someone who thought it was safe to fart, but it wasn’t
He waddled off to the toilet shortly after
And here’s someone getting punched in the face by an invisible fist
It must be Adam Smith’s