SU Officer Brands Undergrads ‘Little Shits’

Wadham MCR officer labels undergraduate students ‘little shits’ in email

An MCR officer today sparked outrage after circulating an email in which he refers to Oxford undergraduates as ‘little shits’.

Wadham’s MCR Men’s Officer Adam Chekroud made the comment in an email sent round the MCR mailing list.

In the email, he outlined his plans to get hold of a second hand Xbox from OUSU for Wadhamites to use, but expressed his concerns that the plan would be scuppered by ‘little shits’ from the undergraduate body.

Chekroud, who refers to himself as ‘Alpha’ in the email asked, “please could everyone do their best to come down to the SU meeting tomorrow to make sure that no little shits undergrad manages to garner support for removing this clause”.

Chekroud’s controversial email

In what may now be seen as great irony, the officer began his email complaining about the lack of attention paid to SU emails. Beginning, “I assume that you, like me, have a junk filter set up to ignore all SU emails. Apparently, the SU occasionally hide away useful information in their ridiculously formatted emails, somewhere amidst the trashy youtube links that presumably no one clicks. Here is the important information plain and clear”.

Certainly Chekroud’s email has been getting an abundance of attention itself.

Wadham College Oxford- full of ‘little shits’

Joe Miles, a second year PPEist at Wadham has rejected the accusation that he is a ‘little shit’. He told that Tab, “I’m not impressed. I would have thought that someone in the MCR would be able to insult us far better”.

OUSU president Tom Rutland expressed his shock, “wow, something tells me that clause is gonna fail now”.

Wadham’s SU president, Anya Metzer, told the Tab, “The tone and content of the email sent by the MCR Men’s Officer is clearly unacceptable as the language is offensive and hostile, especially considering the proposed gift of an Xbox from the undergraduates.

At this point no decision has been made yet as to further action. Undergraduates are naturally annoyed and angry at being referred to in this way in light of a generous proposal. I, of course, do not think that they are little shits”.