The 16 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re At Teddy Hall

If you don’t get them all then you’re probably not a true Aularian

1) This guy’s inability to do a normal handshake at the start of a Principalian Collection

gull good

2) During Ming you’re all like

3) But an hour later you’re all like

4) When you can hear the rugby team warming up in the bar and all you want is a quiet pint

5) But when they inevitably win Cuppers all is forgiven

6) Salmon, not any more bloody salmon

7) When a law student spots Briggs coming from across the quad

8) The day after you’ve paid the notoriously monstrous Teddy Hall battels

9) But college still have the nerve to ask your parents to dig deep

10) If you get to the JCR and Rundle isn’t there you’re all like

11) You know what these outfits are all about

12) When it turns out one of your best friends originally applied to another college there’s only one response

13) You have no problem chilling on a grave

14) And you still remember the first time you saw Kelly and Emden

15) When you hear a fresher screaming ‘Teddy Teddy Teddy’ on your way to Camera

16) But no matter how bad Hall life gets you could always have ended up here

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