The greatest Halloween costume ever

It was a big night at the LCR last night. Some of us really got into the spirit of things.

Is this the greatest Halloween costume of all time?

Spotted last night at the LCR, this fearless student donned blow up dolls to the front and rear to appear as the Human Centipede.

The Tab staff couldn’t quite believe their eyes when this work of inspiration came across the desk.

The Tab salutes you madame

Halloween long ago shed its meaning as a festival of all things dark and spooky. Today, it’s just the biggest excuse to go all out in the fancy dress stakes. From the looks of the LCR last night, UEA students are a creative bunch.

Avatars complete with Joker photobomber

Bane and Batman. Pretty sure Christian Bale didn’t have a goatee though?

Anyone know what this guy came as? Suggestions on a postcard

Because nothing says Halloween quite like Jack Sparrow

They seem very smiley for terrifying undead nurses

Thanks to Matt Jones for the pictures.