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Reports of smoke above Fifth Ave nightclub with two fire engines on the scene

This club is on fiyaaaaaah

The Tab Manchester can reveal that there were reports of smoke and fire engines at Fifth Night Club, on Oxford road around 11.30pm tonight.

It's not yet clear whether the incident is serious, or if it was in fact a fire, but the management were described as looking "calm" despite the presence of the fire brigade and partygoers claiming that they could see smoke.

Image may contain: Stage, Lighting

UoM grad Barney Mersich told us "We saw the managers outside with loads of smoke coming out the back.

"The managers seemed pretty calm, and then two fire engines turned up.

"The smoke has stopped now though, and I saw them letting people in. I doubt it was a fire, everything seems to have calmed down now. Who knows."

Looks like the bendy brigade have the night under control.


Fifth management have released a statement to The Tab Manchester regarding the incident. General manager Ash Johnston told us "Fifth has not at any point had a fire today [10th March.]

"The smoke was caused by a faulty smoke machine that had turned on in a room that was not being used at the time."