There have been multiple reports of phones being stolen at Hot Mess
Pls give them back
Many Manchester students have reported lost and stolen phones after Revolutions event Hot Mess.
Numerous posts appeared on FSG after the popular Deansgate Bars Hot Mess event on the 25th January.
Holly Loader, first year Medicine student at the University of Manchester was one of the first among many victims of theft at Hot Mess when her phone, along with her debit card and ID, were stolen at the post-exams event.
When reporting the incident, there was no response from Revolution: "they have an answering line for lost property so I left a message and didn't actually speak to anyone. They never got back to me, but I didn't chase them because I knew by then that it had been stolen and left the club as they had spent money on my debit card.
"I think the thing with Revs is that they do say on the answer phone that they'll only get back to you if they actually find the lost property… but it was a bit crap yeah"
Last night, further posts detailing lost phones and wallets appeared on FSG after the 'Be My Valentine' event. Ellie Butler, a student at BIMM, recalls last having her phone at 3:30am when she used it on Snapchat before leaving.
"By the time I had got back to my flat, at about 4, it had been turned off, location last seen on snapchat about half an hour prior, so it been taken anytime from about half 3 to 4. It will have been taken from my bag somehow without me noticing."
It has been noted on FSG that many of the thefts occurred at the end of the night, and within half an hour of phones being stolen, they had already been deactivated from 'Find My iPhone'.
Greater Manchester Police are said to have been "really unhelpful" by Holly, while Ellie says her request for Revolutions CCTV footage to be investigated was rejected, "as its too hard to see anything and thats why places like Hot Mess are targeted because they can easily get away with it".
Hot Mess stated they have put numerous security measures in place to preclude further incidents of theft at the event, stating; "We obviously do not wish for anyone to have their phone stolen and we are actually very protective over the door policy to prevent this from happening. Our customers are very important to us and we want to do everything we can in order for them to have a great experience and leave with their belongings.
Revolution in Deansgate have made no comment.