Killer clowns are back in Manchester, now with machetes

Lol bye everyone

The latest sighting in Manchester saw two ‘clowns’, thought to be teenagers, approach a driver in his car with a machete.

Despite warnings from the police that by continually scaring and causing upset to people, the clown pranksters could be found to be committing public order offences, the sinister craze is still sweeping the nation.

On Sunday evening, Kurtis Mulvaney was driving through Cheetham Hill when two figures in clown masks and boiler suits approach his car and stared at him, without speaking a word. He claims one of them was holding a machete, although it cannot be seen in the photograph he took of the clowns.

The picture was posted on Facebook and was seen thousands of times within just a few hours. Despite being suspected of scaremongering, he insists the picture and events were real.

There have been multiple reports of people donning clown attire and scaring people around Greater Manchester over the past few weeks, including a man in a clown mask driving up to children and scaring them on Thursday night.

Another instance includes the now removed Instagram group called ‘Bury Clown Attack’, which had named five schools it was targeting, warning “We’re coming”.

Of the growing trend, which originated in the US, third year Boris stated “although it’s just a prank, it’s probably gone too far. The fact that its seriously scaring people means it’s time to stop”.