First year Economics exam stopped halfway through due to poor printing quality

They have to sit the exam at a later date

This morning a first year Economics exam has been suspended due to a cock up in the printing. 

Students sitting the Advanced Maths exam in the Sugden Centre this at 9.45 AM were stopped 40 minutes in to be told their exam was to be stopped.

The exam papers was printed badly meaning it was difficult to read, so the first years were instructed to leave the exam hall.

Not only were the Economics students disrupted, there was another exam taking place in the Sugden Centre at the time, which also had to be temporarily stopped as the first years left the room.

The exam, which was meant to last 90 minutes and consist of 30 multiple choice questions, will be sat on another date and is expected to me marked exactly the same.

As the exam was underway, many students managed to answer questions, with some nearly making it to the end, which questions the illegibility.

On YikYak, one student doubted the cock up, saying: “Absolute bollocks. I reckon I’d done enough to pass by the time we’d got told to stop.”