Clubbers of the Week

Top of the mornin’ to ye

With the celebration of St Patrick’s day and the (not so) spectacular solar eclipse, the clubbers of Leeds were out in full force this week. Here’s some of the best:

Stunners of the week

Runners up

Hungriest clubber

This is becoming far too regular… Eat before you go out guys.

Movers of the week

Runners up

Shiftiest clubber of the week

Heroine of the week

Runner up

Photobombs of the week

Naughtiest clubber of the week

Grumpiest clubber of the week

Floating head of the week

Best of the rest

Photos: ItsJustJoeB Photography (PRYZM, Voodoo), Daniel Watson (No Curfew), Jordan Bickerstaffe (Mixtape Project), Mischief pictures from the Running Wild Facebook page, Fruity pictures from Fruity Facebook page,Little Miss pictures from the No Curfew Facebook page. Thanks.