10 Signs dissertation deadlines are approaching

From an over familiarity with Eddy B to an under familiarity with Fruity Fridays, dissertation stress can be recognised by 10 simple signs.

1. After two and a half years of fresher-like fumbling, you perfect a method of smoothly navigating the library’s barriers.

Voting for George because entering Eddy B smoothly deserves a reward

Voting for George because entering Eddy B smoothly deserves a reward

2. When in library you develop a strict intolerance to most people and any noise they dare to make.

3. The No.1 enemy becomes joint honours students i.e those who can escape dissertation hell.

4. Variety now takes the form of picking new, exotic computer clusters to try and work in. 

5. Having to hold back the tears as Fruity Fridays are a staple of the week no more.

No fro = no fruity fun

6. When alcohol consumption does occur its sole purpose is to numb dissertation distress.

7. The word ‘fun’, regrettably has to be banned from the dictionary/ house/ life.

8. A reliance on union food and ready meals demonstrates a worrying decline into even worse eating habits.

Coffee and red bull: the only acceptable drinks

9. Hating the fact that waking up early to do work is a common occurrence in the adult world that you will soon be part of.

10. The realisation that no one understands your first world, third year struggles.