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Breaking: Glasgow University implements ‘no-detriment’ policy for summer exams


Glasgow University students received an email from Internal Communications this morning confirming that “that the University will be taking a ‘no detriment’ approach” with the upcoming summer assessments.

This means that students’ marks will only count if they are an improvement on assessments/exams already taken this semester.

The email outlined:

“We will be providing you with the assessment timetable and details on how the approach to assessment outlined below will operate later this week, but we wanted to give you a brief update about the forthcoming exam diet.  We can confirm that the University will be taking a ‘no detriment’ approach with these assessments.”  


This comes shortly after numerous 4th and 5th-year graduates shared a petition online on Facebook encouraging the policy to take place.

Glasgow University is not the first university to adopt this approach, as Edinburgh and Exeter have similarly implemented the ‘no-detriment’ policy.