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Hold onto your meatballs: IKEA is coming to Exeter

If you didn’t go to IKEA to get your uni supplies are you even a student?

It's an unavoidable fact that nearly every uni fresher up and down the country has made that symbolic trip to IKEA to pick up the essentials for start of their uni life.

This unfortunately means, however, that everyone else has the exact same stuff and by the end of the year you will only have a teaspoon and a fork to your name, despite your best efforts.

Well now that IKEA is coming to Exeter it is easier than ever to replenish your dwindling kitchen supplies and stock up on other necessary items. The IKEA has been in the works for some time now, and we can now reveal that the grand opening will be on Thursday 10th May.

So, the IKEA is opening just in time for you to pick up those little pencils that are sure to come in handy during exam season.

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IKEA will be situated just outside the city centre, near the Sandy Park Stadium. Maybe it's time to make friends with someone who has a car to get down there? But if not, the nearest train station is Newcourt train station and there will be buses that stop nearby too. Or it's about an hours walk from the city centre if you fancy it.

And don't you worry, the Exeter IKEA will have a restaurant too , so you can still treat yourself to a generous helping of those delicious Swedish meatballs while on a student budget.