Here to provide all the insights, updates, drama and gossip of this momentous day
‘Elite’ universities accused of skewing the pensions dispute
You get more for a Bridge than an Ox
A senior professor of Cambridge University has warned a vote for Brexit would cause the future development of the University to be severely damaged.
A week after Cambridge voted to remain, Oxford has also decided to stay affiliated to the NUS
Will Jack Bauer be heading the sessions?
Surprise surprise – Cambridge has once again topped the cramming-charts.
Former CUCA chairman CALLUM WOOD worries the BBC 2 show will re-enforce stereotypes.
Cambridge has smashed its rivals, topping the Guardian’s University league tables for the second year.
Cambridge may be richer than Monaco, but it still doesn’t pay the living wage.
An Oxford Professor was found dead earlier this week, amid suspicions of murder.
Cambridge showed Oxford how to jizzle their jazzle at this years John’s Jazz Battle, writes TOM BARDSELY
TIM WIGMORE talks Nazis, sex work and getting stuck in toilets in this week’s round up of news from The Other Place.
HAMISH BIRRELL gives us the scoop on what’s going down in The Other Place this week. But low salaries and the OUCA’s recent action mean it’s all doom and gloom.
Oxford’s TIM WIGMORE is also feeling sad about Luminar going into administration, but Oxford students did find £70 in coins this week. Bonus.
My first Fringe show was described as ‘the worst show on the Fringe.’ ELENA PALA has a white wine with legendary pub landlord AL MURRAY.