Drinking Societies

Image may contain: Hair, Smile, Plant, Grass, Sport, Soccer, Team Sport, Football, People, Soccer Ball, Team, Ball, Sports, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person, Face, Accessory, Glasses, Accessories, Skin, Head

‘C-Sunday Clean Up Party’ to follow this year’s celebrations

Aggressively wholesome content? Look no further.

News Column: The salacious summary

There’s no better way to keep up with the gossip

Image may contain: Human, Person, People

How much alcohol is too much alcohol?

Chill. Out.

Image may contain: Parade, Festival, Crowd, Carnival, Performer, Clown, Mascot, Human, Person, People

Drinking Societies are a poor excuse for shit chat

Sorry not sorry


Yeah, this thing again

Student journalism isn’t terrible, you are

Stop thinking you’re exempt from the real world

Queens’ drinking society holds initiations outside church on Remembrance Sunday

Lest they forgot.

The Tab’s Ultimate Cambridge A-Z, Part 1

I got 26 problems and Cambridge is every single one

REVEALED: Cambridge’s top ten most notorious drinking societies

The results are in.

The mysterious case of the disappearing Wyverns Garden Party

The Wyverns Garden Party has been quietly allowed to not go ahead

Which is Cambridge’s most notorious drinking society?

We want you, cherished readers, to help us choose.

Caesarian Sunday-ers of the week

Like Clubbers of the week, but messier. Oh so messier.

Fuck Cambridge lad culture – tits, bevs and banter belong in the past

Let’s bury lad culture with the ghost of first term

Kittens show their claws as Catz male drinking society BANS all initiations

“We are a sporting society, not a drinking society”

Here’s everyone you’ll ever meet at Cambridge

It ain’t a pretty picture

CUSU survey to look into drinking societies

Shaken, not stirred

I’m sick of your moralising social-prescriptivist bollocks

On Sunday nights MILO EDWARDS and his friends wear ties, go on swaps and end up in Life. Get over it

Put a (drinking) sock in it

CONOR MULHEIR tells us why he doesn’t want to be part of your club, and doesn’t really believe that you do either.

What is a drinking society?

Drinking societies really aren’t OK at the best of times, and grad students should set an example, argues FELIX STEIN.

Charlie Palmer – Make Some Friends

CHARLIE PALMER tells you to get off your arse and make some damn friends.