Cambridge goes to London Fashion Week

MARIELLA SALAZAR takes to London Fashion Week to spot the trendiest people from all over the world.

avant garde bold brave bright Cambridge colours contrast fashion London london fashion week metal style Tab

While Cambridge students braced themselves for the dreaded week five, this weekend over five thousand fashion A-listers flocked to London for one of the industry’s largest events: London Fashion Week.

Set in the stylish Somerset House, the event showcased famous brands, emerging designers, and the world’s trendiest fashionistas. Of course, Tab Fashion was there to spot what the stylish ones were wearing. Take some notes Cambridge.

Naoko Shinno from Osaka, Japan brings class to a casual outfit with red tights and a trooper hat. We’re also loving the trendy prints on her sleeves!

Jane Kiselava from Moscow, Russia brightened up fashion week with this bold yellow dress and geometric necklace.

Elle Ford from London pairs this gorgeous metallic skirt with a bright yellow bag to add contrast to her minimalistic outfit.

Fashion blogger Arian Humirang from the Philippines brings atypical men’s fashion to Fashion Week with this ensemble from H&M.

Martina Martiala from Finland brings depth to her wardrobe with the contrasting geometric patterns and stripes.

Designer Joshua Kane attracted quite a number of people with this colourful and classy take on men’s fashion.

Rose Wilcox from the UK brings an almost Evita-esque elegance to Fashion Week with this bold red outfit paired with polka dotted heels.