
Tab Fashion Presents an Accessory Special.

Animalistic fashion Feline jewellery mix Print

Jewellery has become bolder, brighter and more  prominent among fashion trends this season, so we’ve mixed things up a bit by merging together some of our favourite ideas.

Firstly, Jordan Askill has brought his latest capsule jewellery collection to Topshop for the first time this winter. The key inspiration is his carved panther head, which appears in both pendants and bracelets. So we’ve injected a similar animalistic vibe into our mix; feline eyeliner flicks, animal print accessories and peacock eyes which mix gold or brown with vibrant jewell colours.

Brooches are also back, and not just to embellish clothes, but also to give shimmer to big and bold hairstyles. Chandelier earings are excellent statement pieces, and will certainly jazz up any outfit, as well as accentuating the jaw-line when hair is tied up. Metallic collar necklaces, embellished with subtle, feminine details, should also add life to any outfit. And finally, block, neon colours are a must-have, and why not try spicing things up with some fluourescent eye-candy?

Jewellery items from Topshop, Primark and British Heart Foundation.

Styling: Helena Izett and Dolf Bekink.
Photography: Nick Rutter,
Models: Fortunate Frizell and Natanya Mark.