What are you hiding in your pockets?

Why are you people carrying teabags?

The content of your pockets and bags can always tell you one or two things about you as a person. We were nosy and wanted to find out what students carry around with them all day, and it turns out it’s not just the typical essentials.

James, Human Geography third year

James is a man most definitely prepared for everything. In his pockets we found coffee, some berries, tea bags, and not one, but two condoms.

He told us that he wants to be prepared for everything, some caffeine for the long study hours, some berries for a healthy snack, and some condoms for… And why not, you never know when you can get lucky.

Solly, Geography third year

Phone, coins, and tea.  Solly told us that he is always in the library working on his dissertation and sometimes a good old cuppa is just what you need.  That’s why he carries around a bag of tea. His old-school phone is very comfortable to carry around.

Nicolai, Interpol second year

Nicolai, rushing for a seminar carried in his pockets the all-time essentials: Wallet, loose change, a lighter, and the most important thing for a student – a pen.

Francesco, Interpol third year

Studying hard in the library, Francesco goes for comfort, and that means nothing in the pockets. Maybe just a mess on the table to have everything at hand.

Farin, Marine Biology third year

Farin told us: “I carry my brush everywhere, my hair tangles very easily and I need to brush it all the time!”. Fair enough, with Aber’s weather, it’s always so windy, a brush really comes in handy.

Timothy, Interpol third year

Timothy Rice. Second year, International Politics

“I’m heading home right now, and I just carry the essentials, my wallet and house keys”, Timothy told us.

Irina, Politics second year

Irina was carring a lot of things in her hands, but nothing in her pockets. She told us: “Girls pockets are really small, I cannot fit anything there! Also, if a do so, I forget that I have like tissues in my pockets and then when I do laundry it’s a mess”.