Vote: What’s the worst club in Aberystwyth?

Let’s decide this once and for all and then never go there again

Aber isn’t notorious for having the UK’s best clubbing scene. We only have two semi-legitimate venues, but if we stretch the definition slightly to include establishments with at least a dance-floor there’s a bit of variety. The question is though, which is the worst?

Pier Pressure

One of the only two legit “clubs” in Aber. Pier is one of the first clubbing experiences freshers have. Her  they’re introduced to cheesy music, sticky dance-floors and vomit-inducing PDA’s (remember when those two got engaged on the dancefloor?). The smoking area still remains one of the best spots in Aber but, recently, it seems to have died. It’s open three days of the week but every time you want to go in it’s at least £3 to sit in the heat and listen to awful chart hits. The drink prices change every half hour but are somehow always expensive. Does anyone even go anymore?


The sort of awful scene that shots will result in

They tried to change the name but it stayed the same. If you’re a fan of animal watching, then Yoko’s is the place to go to watch the local populace in their natural habitat. A night at Sardine Simulator 2016 is a strong contender for Aber’s worst club purely for the fact that every night in Yokos is basically a carbon copy of the last. On the plus side, if you’re ever in doubt of where to go, Yokos usually boasts a killer crowd – even when there’s no one else left in town. But even then you’re still guaranteed shit tunes and rowdy lad socials. We love to hate it.

The Students’ Union

The Union feels more like a secondary school disco than an actual club. The lack of popular party nights and overrated “special evenings” – remember David Guetta? – means a below par night at best. It just isn’t really club material, but that’s okay because it makes up for it elsewhere. Events like Blackhouse offer slight redemption, but such nights are few and far between.


We’re really pushing the definition of club here, but despite Angel being quite obviously a pub it does have a dance floor. Freshers dare not step inside, meaning this place is exclusively for locals and senior students. While this can be nice to get away from the high energy first years they do add a certain spirit to the dance floor. You just can’t beat Angel’s weir, seedy atmosphere.


OK, we’re really scrapping the barrel here. And the horrible, gelatinous filth we’ve produced is the stuff you find on Harleys drink-soaked free-for-all dancefloor.  Harleys doesn’t promote itself as a club, because frankly it isn’t – but the d-floor can briefly trick you into thinking it is. The variety of music is terrible, drinks are sloshing everywhere and, unless you’re there for pres, not many people stick around.