Why you should join The Tab Aberystwyth next month

Be part of the fastest growing Tab in the country

The Tab Aberystwyth draws thousands of readers every single week, proving to be the only place for campus news.

We are the fastest growing Tab in the country. Our stories are reads by thousands of daily readers and we’ve brought you the best stories this term – with some even making the national papers.

And now’s your chance to get involved and become out next top reporter.

The Tab can help you get work experience at national papers (and not forgetting our own office in London), direct you to the top journalism courses in the UK and show you a good time at our awesome socials.

We want fun and enthusiastic people to come join Aber’s team, don’t worry about having experience.

Here’s what a few of our current writers have said about The Tab Aber:

Andrew Wilmot

“The Tab has given me a huge boost to my freelance writing, by giving me a platform to reach thousands of people on and use as a portfolio to show potential clients. It’s really helped me write more what other people want to read, and working in such a tight knit team is a truly valuable experience. Seeing The Tab grow so much over the past month or two has been like my own version of adventure capitalist or cookie clicker – I like watching the numbers go up.”

Tom Reed

“I love being part of The Tab because it allows me to engage in aspects of the students community that I wouldn’t normally think about or deal with. I’ve made loads of good friends because of The Tab and gotten to know the university and town in a much more in depth capacity whilst developing some useful skills for the future.

“Being Head of Marketing has also given me a unique insight into some of the various marketing strategies that can be employed by companies and the media in order to improve their consumer relations. These are definitely skills that I will take away with me and an opportunity that I have relished.”


“Joining the Tab has been an amazing experience. It’s a chance to meet new people and to get to know more about uni and Aberystwyth itself. Plus the more creative you are, the better. The Tab is always looking for new ideas to freshen thing up. A few of my stories really blew up, including an interview with a drug dealer. Seeing so many people read my work makes it all worth it and encourages me to write more great stories.”

If you think you’re up for being our next top writer, sign up here or email [email protected] with the section you’re interested in and two ideas for potential Tab articles.

Any questions or want more information, please feel free to get in touch.