Marine Terrace is the most dangerous place to live

And you all thought you were safe

Aberystwyth is hailed as one of the safest university towns in the entire country, but last year over 1000 crimes were committed.

A staggering 38 crimes were reported on Marine Terrace last year, making it the most crime prone street in the town.

The road along the prom is home to a vast numbers of students, as well as Pier Pressure nightclub, and has attracted a variety of crimes ranging from ASBOs to violent crime.

June 2014 alone saw seven crimes reported on the terrace.

Aber’s crime hotspot – Marine Terrace

Portland Road and Queen’s Road follow closely behind, with 35 and 34 crimes reported between September 2013 and June 2014 respectively.

South Road, a popular road for student accommodation and the much loved Castle pub, came fourth with 33 crimes last year – averaging a scary 3.3 crimes per month.

In October 2014, Software Engineering second year Jakub Kawka was the victim of an opportunistic burglary on Custom House Street, just off South Road.

The robbers stole up to £800 worth of stuff including a laptop, camera and some very rare Sennheiser Amperior headphones.

Queen’s Road

Portland Road

Jakub said: “I was pretty surprised considering at the end of the day this kind of stuff really doesn’t happen in Aber.

“It’s a good thing I was literally sleeping on my phone at the time or that would have been gone as well.”

Jakub credited the Aberystwyth Police Department for their investigation.

He added: “There’s a saying about Aber being the only place in Britain where you can leave your doors unlocked, just don’t be an idiot and apply that too literally.”

South Road

It’s not all doom and gloom though, North Road only reported one crime between September 2013 and June 2014, making it the safest place to live.

Stanley Road trailed in second with only 7 crimes in total.

While there were 1228 crimes committed, Aberystwyth remains the safest place to study in England and Wales, with a crime rate of only 0.47 per 1,000 people, compared with highs of 3.79 in London.

Reporting crime is the best way to keep our bubble safe and sound, so we encourage people to come forward if they have been or know anybody who has been a victim of crime.