The votes are in, so now we can reveal if people think Love or Joe is the worse killer

It was a tough, tough call

Last week, we asked you the question that has been ruining everyone’s moral compass since season three of YOU was released on Netflix: Who is actually the worse killer out of Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn? You voted in your thousands, and now, the votes are in and the question on everyone’s lips can finally have a solid answer.

The end of season two really foreboded the future of Love Quinn. She’s out here chaotically murdering half of Madre Linda, and it’s now just the known thing that if you cross her, you’re getting whacked over the head and your days are numbered. We’ve always known what Joe is about – he’s a sociopath who kills lots, and lots, of people. But for some reason, we always see him as a good guy. He’s murdered more people than Love – so by pure kill count, is he the worst?

In the three seasons we’ve seen Joe poison people and let them rot, put a man through a mincer, push people off buildings and kill those he’s meant to love like it doesn’t matter. Love has brutally gone at people with glass bottles, seen no other answer but to take out her competition with an axe and she’s a big fan of bonking people over the head. So who did you vote as the worst killer?

Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn in YOU on Netflix

via Netflix

So, who did people vote as being the worse killer out of Love and Joe in YOU?

4,500 of you voted, and you decided that Love Quinn is the worst killer. It wasn’t exactly a landslide vote, but she won a very fair majority. Here’s the final result breakdown:

Love received 2,915 votes (65.15 per cent overall) and Joe had 1,559 votes (34.85 per cent overall). It doesn’t look like we take too kindly to her impulsive ways without a second thought for people or the consequences. Or maybe our love for Joe Goldberg knows no bounds, and he could kill hundreds and we’d still be making excuses for him?

Season three of YOU is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, quizzes, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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