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The Northern Youth presents ‘ONE DAY ONLY’

A post-internet pop-up shop to help improve mental health services

The Northern Youth will be hosting their latest event at Spark:York on 16th February 2019, following on from "Secret Sets" and their launch party for HARD magazine.

The event is a post-internet themed pop-up shop titled "ONE DAY ONLY."

The Northern Youth are a non-profit student organisation of students based in York who are committed to improving mental health services in the UK.

The pop-up shop will showcase indie brands such as "Good not Great," "Sealks by Aisling Sam" and "Birdsong."

It will take place between 10:00 and 17:30 and entry is free.

12.5 per cent of all sales at the pop-up shop will go towards improving mental health awareness and services for young people in the UK.

The pop up shop will be followed by a club night, "ONE NIGHT ONLY," on the 19th February and you can get your tickets here.