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YUSU to support a People’s Vote following ‘Yes’ victory in referendum

But only a 6.2 per cent voter turnout

In a referendum last week, YUSU asked students at the University of York "Should YUSU support a referendum on the final deal of the UK's departure from the European Union, with an option to remain?"

Students could either vote yes or no, or to abstain. It was announced yesterday that the "Yes" campaign won with 62.1 per cent of the vote, compared to "No" receiving 33.4 per cent and with 4.4 per cent of voters choosing to abstain.

The referendum received a total of 1236 votes, meaning it was only a 6.2 per cent representation of students at York uni. The voter turnout passed the quoracy threshold of five per cent.

After a victory for the "Yes" campaign, official Union policy now supports a second Brexit vote.

In a Facebook post, YUSU Student Activities Officer Finn Judge said: "It hasn't distracted me from, you guessed it, supporting our societies and student media.

"Students have voted in favour of national policy position and this will contribute towards a national policy debate. We can signpost to external campaigning opportunities, but I won't be reallocating the annual society budget just yet."

The "Yes" campaign also put out a statement on Facebook, saying: "The Yes campaign is delighted to have won a clear victory. We congratulate the No side for running a robust campaign, and welcome all opportunities for students to have their say. Students have spoken in favour of a policy that allows YUSU to campaign on their behalf against the damaging impact of Brexit on students in York and beyond, and universities across the country"

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The coordinator of the "No" campaign expressed his disappointment on Twitter with a tweet reading "I was the coordinator for the no campaign, and I'm bitterly disappointed that the student body have voted for YUSU to campaign for a "people's vote". I eagerly await the yes campaign lobbying YUSU for a second referendum on this issue; as this seems to be how we do things now."

The York Tories also expressed their disappointment with the result on Facebook, posting a statement that said

"Given the hugely democratic result of the referendum, on a massive 6.2 per cent turnout and now that the full might of YUSU is behind a second referendum. It is clear that things have changed. We have had word from our direct line to Downing Street that upon hearing the news from York, Theresa May is going to resign"

"A second referendum is now all but certain. Those several hundred MPs who have spoken against a second referendum have changed their mind completely based on what YUSU has said. Jacob Rees-Mogg has now formally backed the People’s Vote campaign and even Jeremy Corbyn has come off the fence. Although his Brexit policy still remains unclear.

Given the resources that YUSU want to throw at a second referendum, we are glad that all other issues facing students have been resolved. This is truly a triumph for YUSU."