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It’s official, Warwick is the most affordable uni in the country

So there’s really no excuse for you being in your overdraft

Warwick University has been revealed as the most affordable student town according to recent research by TotallyMoney.

Source: TotallyMoney

The study took into account the price of rent, cinema tickets, gym memberships, a coffee, a basic meal, a pint, a kebab and cab fares.

According to the study, the average price of a cheeky pint at Warwick is £2.39 and a kebab comes in at a gentle £3.99. It’s hard to believe you can get all the quality of a Vialli’s for such a humble price.

The study set the average price of rent at Warwick at £72 a week.

Second year student, Alban McCarthy Knowles responded to this discovery with shock asking “where is rent £72?”

George Parsons, another second year student believed the £10 for a meal was an over exaggeration, referencing the campus burger van’s burger meal coming in at only a fiver.

The most expensive uni towns were, you guessed it, London universities. A pint at Kings College London will set you back £3.85. For reference, that’s 3 and a half Vodbull’s on a Smack Thursday.

Royal Holloway was ranked as the most expensive uni with rents averaging £169 a week and cab fare coming to a shocking average of £43.00. I’m sure you’ll think twice now about drunkenly negotiating the price for a cab from Smack back to campus.