Supernatural liason officer employed at haunted Leamington station

As if that part of town wasn’t spooky enough

Leamington Spa station has hired a Supernatural Liason Officer after complaints from passengers about paranormal activity. 

Nick Rees may seem like a normal dad-of-two by day, but he has a very particular set of skills.

Reports of eerie sightings near the ticket station, mysterious door slammings and electrical equipment turning on and off of its own accord will now be resolved ghost hunter.

Nick patrols the haunted, disused basement on platform three which is apparently one of the station’s most haunted areas.

We asked regular platform three user and London lad James, a second year Engineer, whether he had seen any unexplained and unusual activity.

He said: “The only unexplained and unusual activity on platform three is that of the Leamington locals.”

Eerie sightings have spooked out customers at Leamington Spa station

Third year History student Laura said that she would prefer that National Rails would prioritise liasing with their Accounts team on re-evaluating how much a return ticket to Birmingham New Street is instead of liasing with the waking dead.

So the next time you’re waiting for the London Marylebone line to go home for reading week and feel a chill in the air, you’d be wrong to assume it’s the astonishing lack of central heating in the waiting area – it’s actually  supernatural vibes guys.