Sheffield Clubbers of the Week: Summer Special

Is anyone still around?

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The vast majority of the Sheffield student population has gone back home for the summer and clubs are now in respite season.

However, it hasn't stopped any of these people favouring clubs over beer gardens or a Corp pint over a nice cold local cider.

Although it may sound like I'm having a go at people for preferring darkened rooms with sticky dancefloors compared to a pleasant sunset, I'm not. I'm sat indoors on a sunny evening scrolling into the depths of photo albums on clubs' Facebook pages, so I'm no better.

Anyway, here's Sheffield's Clubbers of the Week basking in their moment of Tab fame for your entertainment.

'The Blues Brothers Tribute Act' of the Week

They left the suits and trilbies at home

'The Invisible Recliner' of the Week

He was the only one who was impressed by his transparent chair

'Worst attempt at looking candid' of the Week

*Photographer waves hand* "Just all look over here!"

Band of the Week

Their debut album is going to blow up! (I'm really sorry)

Buckaroo of the Week

The bar staff have got to keep themselves entertained somehow

Dungarees of the Week

He's actually a painter and decorator by trade

'Most Distant Group' of the Week

I've been sat for about 15 minutes trying to work out whether this is one group, or five that just ended up in the same picture

Rocker of the Week

No matter how many times he asked, the DJ wasn't going to play any AC/DC or Black Sabbath in Viper Rooms

The 'Me, Myself and I' of the Week

He obviously hadn't noticed that the mate he was pointing at had wandered off

Strangest Pose of the Week

I'm not 100% sure they know what that means if I'm honest