Image may contain: Tuxedo, Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Nottingham’s Most Eligible Bachelor: Round Three

It’s still raining men

We're back in the cockpit with a bird's-eye view on Nottingham's spiciest singles. This time we're dishing out some hot 1st years in the mix to compete for Nott's most eligible hottie!

Vote for the one you'd most like to land on tonight!

Paul Harrison, 2nd Year, Economics

Image may contain: Shirt, Clothing, Person, People, Human

6'8". 'Nuff said.

Best chat up line: Here's £20, drink until I'm really good looking then come and talk to me

Perfect date: Spoons then spooning – the classic

Why should you be Notts' most eligible: I'm 6'8" and can act as a good windbreak/umbrella – what more do you want?

Sadiq Issa, 1st year, International Media and Communications

Issa candid shot

Best chat up line: (said in Chris Brown's voice) Yo, I don't know your name but excuse me miss / I saw you from across the room / And I got to admit that you got my attention / You're making me wanna say yo

Perfect date: Somewhere the girl and I can properly get to know each other and get something sweet, like Creams or The Pudding Pantry

Why should you be Notts' most eligible: #BlackMenDontCheat

Harry Pilcher, 1st Year, Natural Sciences

Image may contain: Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Best chat up line: Did I tell you about my ice hockey hat-trick against Trent?

Perfect date: Boilermaker, because it looks like you've put a lot of effort in, but actually…

Why should you be Notts' most eligible: Well I did score a hat trick against Trent

Alex Gardner, 3rd Year, Medicine

Image may contain: Drink, Beverage, Alcohol, Party, Person, People, Human

Prince of the emergency room

Best chat up line: "Is your name osteoporosis? Because you're giving me a chronic bone condition"

Perfect date: Candle lit dinner in the canteen at QMC, followed by a massive exchange of fluids, giving a new meaning to the phrase 'Doctor's Mess'

Why should you be Notts' most eligible: If you're in the market for excellent chat, razor sharp wit and a Herculean physique (think David Mitchell meets Love Island) then 079 me today to book your appointment with the love doctor x

Kieran Parker, 2nd Year, Economics and Politics

Image may contain: Person, People, Human, Sky, Rainbow, Outdoors, Nature

Twice as lucky finding the treasure at the end of the rainbows

Best chat up line: My dad’s a farmer, come home with me and I’ll show you my cock

Perfect date: I’ll start by taking her to Prezzo because my mum usually has loads of Tesco points vouchers for there. After eating a criminal amount of Italian food we will go to the Canal House, where I’ll show her my extensive and blossoming knowledge of craft ales. And if she’s lucky she might get to see a slo-mo video of my golf swing!

Why should you be Notts' most eligible: When I’m sat down I’m still a stand up geezer