Northumbria ranks 79th for employability

As if graduating isn’t depressing enough


Northumbria has been given a shoddy 61.7 out of 100 in graduate prospects. 

The Complete University Guide are back to remind us exactly why our Russell Group rivals think they are so much better than us.

And this time they’ve ranked us at a piss poor 79 out of 126 universities for employability, placing us in the bottom third alongside Cumbria and Brunel.

That’s an embarrassing drop of nine places on 2015’s ranking of number 70.

Turns out the best bit is the SU.

But it’s not all bad news, our score has increased by 0.3 points since last year.

The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of graduates in employment or further study by the number of graduates with a known destination.

So if you were ever delusional enough to believe you’d waltz into a job fresh out of uni, think again. Statistics agree that employment isn’t our strong point.

Now what?

The same can’t be said for our smugger than ever red-brick opponents who were sitting pretty at number 19 though, their lovely 78.7 makes us that little bit humiliated to be poly as they climbed an almighty one place since last year.

At least we can still taunt them about our ground breaking Stan Calvert victory to make up for it (no, we haven’t forgotten).

Remember this?

All is not lost though, we are still leaps and bounds from our Teesside neighbours who scored a pretty sad 57.0, placing them at number 99.

And just to make us feel even better, our enemies across the river scored an abysmal 50.5, leaving them sat at the bottom of the table at a depressing 118th place.

That’s right, we might not be walking into a job like the rah’s of Imperial and Cambridge but no matter what happens we can always rely on Sunderland to give us a massive ego boost.

It takes a lot more than a university league table to dampen poly pride.