Surviving while working the festive season

I’d rather headbutt a reindeer than listen to one more Christmas playlist

Retail and bar work are student-filled industries, especially at this time of year with more shops and bars taking on staff over the Christmas period – it’s a great way for us to earn a few extra pennies.

And sure it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Unless you’re one of the poor sods working it.

The constant loop of the same five Christmas songs over and over which at first is amazing then has you pulling your hair out by the 100th loop of All I want for Christmas is you.

There will always be someone rushing in on Christmas Eve complaining you haven’t got what they want, and there will always be a scrap for the last Turkey in supermarkets or the last Soap and Glory set in Boots.

Aisles are packed with customers complaining there’s nothing on the shelves but you physically can’t get to the shelves to put anything out. The joys.

Not to mention any student with a bar job at this time of year. The evil look you give all the office drunks at their Christmas party wishing your shift would finish so you can down a well deserved pint.

But there are some basic rules we all play by to try and make this crazy time pass quicker.

Remember its one week of madness. You have the rest of the year to make up for the lack of sleep, but hibernate the week before so you’re ready.

Energy drinks and coffee are saviours; you’ll be bouncing off the walls and customers will be served in no time.

It’s all about the bantz. Good banter = shorter shifts (they feel shorter anyway).

They don’t pay you stress.

Stay out of angry customer’s way, most places have security to deal with the riff raff.

If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em – you may as well get in the Christmas spirit.