It’s official! Soho Rooms is Newcastle students’ favourite club

Meet the local team

Newcastle University reverse decision to cancel exams for medical students

Students have now been told they will have assessments

We can tell what course you do from the TV series you’re watching in isolation

If you’re re-watching Hannah Montana you’re deffo a media student

It’s time to vote once and for all for the best club in Newcastle

This is definitely the most important decision you’ll ever make

Greggs to re-open some Newcastle stores from 4th May

As if you weren’t missing the Toon enough…

We’ve rounded up the best viral TikTok’s made by Newcastle students

Renegade in Jesmond did you say?!

A Northumbria student has walked up and down her stairs 1,789 times for charity

I nominate…

NU Netball Club pledge to walk, run and cycle 2950km to raise money for charity

You can donate via JustGiving

Sub=Line are hosting an 12 hour live stream to raise money for the NHS this Saturday

It’s from 12pm to 12am

Portland Green students may still have to pay rent even if they aren’t living there

Facebook posts criticising the company have also been removed for ‘hate speech’ violations

It’s time for the quiz answers, if you got more than 30 you’re a Newcastle legend

No cheating