Review: The Last Five Years

An emotional rollercoaster has come to town.

When described in brief, you are guaranteed to be put off this musical: just two actors and no dialogue- only song.

The musical, which has returned to Liverpool and can now be seen at the Epstein theatre, sounds tragically painful.

But this is a musical that exceeds all expectations. You will laugh, cry (or nearly if you are macho enough to keep it in) and be amazed all in one sitting. It is exhausting but in the most fulfilling way.

The story begins for Cathy with the aftermath of a painful break up after her five years with Jamie. Her song ‘Still Hurting’ begins the musical, suggesting this is to be yet another woeful tale mourning a personal trauma; but then it picks up.

The play begins at the very beginning of their relationship for Jamie, which sounds like it will make the musical a constantly confusing yo-yo, flitting from one character to the other in the different time frames… but it actually makes it work even better.

The central moment of the play is their wedding day: this is the only point where their moments in time meet. They are singing to each other and not just the ghostly space in which the other once stood.

The two actors – Helen Carter playing Cathy and Stephen Fletcher as Jamie – are phenomenal. Their voices are powerful (although occasionally a little too powerful for the microphones it has to be said), their portrayals are convincing and they manage to tug at heartstrings and tickle funny bones.

The highlights have to be the humorous moments, including Cathy’s liaisons with the pianist whilst rehearsing for yet another theatre role and Jamie’s Christmas song for Cathy, entitled ‘The Schmuel Song’.

This is a thoroughly recommended watch, and having come all the way from Broadway, should be enjoyed while it’s here.

Shows are running now until the 7th September at The Epstein Theatre.


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