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How to get fit in Leeds when you really hate the gym

It’s actually not as hard as you think

We’ve all been there: summer is approaching, we’re still carrying a little holiday weight, and those library snacks seem to be appearing in places we don’t want them to.

However, do not fear, as we’ve got your backs. We have compiled a comprehensive list of all the places in Leeds where you can get fit for when you hate the gym (or simply can’t afford the crazy prices at The Edge – they do know we’re students, right?)


Those lucky enough (or unlucky, in some of our eyes) to have Devonshire Hall as their first-year accommodation are likely to have already uncovered this mini green oasis within an otherwise grey Leeds.

Filled with parkland and exciting trails, this area makes for the perfect location for a cross-country run – and is a lot more fun than a boring treadmill. Even taking a stroll through this area can count as a fitness activity – thanks to the hills and winding routes – making for a cardio activity that is sure to help shift off last night’s cheesy chips from Crispy’s.

Oxygen Free-Jumping Trampoline Park

If any kind of mainstream cardio really isn’t for you, take a trip to the Oxygen Free-jumping Trampoline Park. Jump all your dissertation worries away while at the same time burning an impressive amount of calories. Even better, if you go with a group of friends, you won’t even feel like you’re doing any exercise.

With the option of 30 days of fitness for a price of £25, you’ll even have enough pennies left over to treat yourself with a Temple Donut just down the road after – balance is key, right?

The Beloved Yorkshire Dales

Why not take a trip out of Leeds and head to the Yorkshire Dales? Take a stroll in the countryside and clear out your lungs with some fresh, unpolluted city air. It’s actually also really pretty and a fun way to spend your Sundays away from the confined walls of Eddy B.

More importantly – and what we all really want to hear – is that there are some places in Leeds that make eating healthy seem less like a difficult task. Whether you’re fuelling a late night study session or craving some nutrition after a heavy weekend session at Beaverworks – Leeds actually has tonnes of places on offer.

Salad Box – Leeds University Union

A favourite among many Leeds Uni students – salad box offers an enticing range of salads – all right here on campus.

I know what you’re thinking – a salad…really? Nevertheless, salads from Salad Box are surprisingly filling and you can create your own depending on what you fancy. Keep that hummus craving at bay, and you’ll be able to brag to your housemates how healthy you’ve been all day; all thanks to Salad Box.

Roots and Fruits – The Grand Arcade

Fancy something a little different? Head to Roots and Fruits in The Grand Arcade, which offers an impressive range of vegetarian and vegan options – perfect for all you Leeds environmental enthusiasts.

You’ll leave feeling full, revitalised and a hell of a lot healthier thanks to their menu offering options such as Rainbow Salad, Vegetarian Lasagne, Jackfruit and Veggie Burgers. It’s not too expensive either – making you feel even better for choosing the healthy option.

LS6 Cafe – LS6

We can’t include a list of eateries without including the beloved LS6 Café. Stay in the comforting realms of Hyde Park and look no further than LS6, where eating healthy will seem a lot more normal. Here, you'll be able to start your day right and you’ll be set for a full day of lectures ahead. A filling and delicious brunch doesn't have to be unhealthy and LS6 know how to do it well – choose from 5 different egg dishes (gotta get that protein) or even choose a salad to pack in all the much-needed nutrients you definitely will be lacking in after a long night at Royal Park Pub.

All in all, getting fit is important and there are plenty of ways to do it in Leeds. Join friends, societies or get some much-needed alone time and enjoy different ways of getting fit. The gym is definitely not necessary for people who hate it – uni life is stressful enough, without having to feel pressured by all those gym-goers. You do you, and either way – we’re sure you’ll look fab no matter what.