Is it raining in Leeds?

The weather in West Yorkshire has finally decided to keep up with modern times; it has a Facebook page.

The time old question has finally been answered. We now know, with a degree of certainty, whether it is raining in Leeds.

The Facebook page entitled ‘Is it raining in Leeds?’ was created on the 14th of May and, due to the extremely informative content, has accumulated over 1,800 likes in under a fortnight.

No longer do we need to step outside our gloomy Hyde Park residences to look up at the sky. No longer do we need to even look outside of our vodka stained windows to complain about the weather – it will now be reported via the medium of Facebook.

The innovation has been met with delight by students at Leeds.

The page seems to be updating us on whether it is raining every few hours with the concise yet accurate answer of either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Occasionally the succinct answer is followed by a full-stop, but whether this has a correlation to the type of rain has yet to be investigated. The use of capitals also requires further research.

A further conundrum – pourquoi français?

One can only assume, due to the complex linguistic terms and the niche subject area, that the page is being run by final year Geography students at the University of Leeds, however this is just one of many proposed theories.

‘Is it raining in Leeds?’ seems to have been inspired by similarly named pages, all created at the start of this month.

The pages have been created just in time for university exams, saving valuable revision time that would otherwise be used checking the weather.

The Tab, therefore, would like to thank ‘Is it raining in Leeds?’ for aiding students with deadlines, exams and job applications in this harsh weather and harsh economic climate.