Carnage: Tried and tested

It doesn’t disappoint

The controversial Carnage pub crawl took place in Liverpool on Sunday night. The event was part of the Carnage UK Freshers tour which attracts around 35,000 students a year.

After hearing so many snobby remarks about the event which was themed Animal Instinct, ‘unleash your beast’ we decided to ignore the negativity and find out if it really would be carnage.

The crawl started at Black rabbit at the early time of 8pm and then went on to Mccooley’s, SOHO, Walkabout, Omnia, Krazyhouse and finally ended at Level.

Am I actually doing this

The t-shirt which also acts as your ticket has a tick list of things on that no one did because there didn’t seem to be any students who took notice of the animal theme.

No tigers were tickled

Nobody seemed to follow the order of clubs either.

T-shirts were sold prior to the event at £10 each which allowed free entry into the clubs involved, this seemed a bit pricey considering everyone just ripped them up…

Bit chilly

and made them into headbands.

Roma-Jay Mason, a second year film studies said: “I couldn’t hack it. My friends bought me cheesy chips and took me home before half one, then they went back out.”

Ash McMillan, Real estate management, said “I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I can’t remember much of the night. I felt a bit stupid after because my t-shirt was ripped and I had a headband on. I would probably go to Carnage again even though I didn’t actually make it to most places on the shirt.”

Getting home is tough

Charlie Miller, Sports development student agrees that Carnage was definitely carnage.