Help Harry: a lover of poo-spitting and vicious baboons

Exeter’s adventurous apha man needs your help!


He’s tried the Kudu national sport of poo-spitting, watched a Frenchman strip-tease in Namibia and thinks sharks are ‘misunderstood’. Now 3rd Year Animal Behaviour Student Harry Hornsby is entering the competition of a lifetime and wants your votes.

‘My Biggest Baddest Bucket-List’ promises to send the winner on an all-expenses-paid adventure around the world; all they have to do is get involved with community projects and keep a travel blog. They’ll even get a cash prize if they get back alive.

Entrants need to make a video about a ‘destination’. Harry chose Exeter, claiming: “It’s not about the place you choose, it’s about showing the hidden quirks people might not know about, like the skeleton in the Cavern’s cellar or Gandy St’s influence on JK Rowling’.

If Harry wins, he’ll focus his trip on wildlife. ‘I’m an animal behaviour student and I’ve always wanted to swim with un-caged sharks in Australia, if I can do it without dying. There’s so much I want to do and this is an awesome way to do it. I also love photography, although my last camera didn’t survive Namibia as a baboon I was capturing ripped its lens off. It was a great picture though’.

Wild man Harry cuddling with a cute cub. Ladies, does he get your vote?

When asked what makes this different to any other gap yah urge, Harry said, ‘I’ve not done a gap year and don’t want to get hit with that stereotype. This will sound cliché but I’ve always enjoyed volunteering in wildlife conservation sanctuaries. When my parents went to the beach on holidays I would always ask to be dropped somewhere more interesting, like a dog sanctuary’. He also thinks the competition might help his dream to be a wildlife presenter, as ‘it’s a business about who can shout the loudest’.

To show your support for Exeter’s own Bear Grylls, check out Harry’s blog and vote.