Clubbers of the Week: Striving to thrive in Week Five

Midterms round the corner x

Stunners of the week


Genuinely jaw dropped by these two gorgeous babes

Runners up

The colour coordination of this girls group, LOVE

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How she managed to be this photogenic in Hive? I will never know

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Stunning smiles, even more stunning squad

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Hope this is how we are greeted entering heaven please x GORGEOUS

Third wheels of the week


Guys… why is everyone wifed. Like this doesn’t get any easier, please

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The best bromance duo I’ve seen, don’t suppose there’s a third costumes guys?

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Feeling left out? Me and you both babe x

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Guess I missed the memo about the matching glasses? Aha no worries…

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My bad are we interrupting something, you two?

Wankers of the week


The thought of a rugby sport social – I know everyone just got a chill down their spine. Stay calm.

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Wait but I’m captivated by him – Derek Zoolander? It’s possible…

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Mate lighten up or your two man will end up a solo trip

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The pout is giving Simon Cowell

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What ever happened to smiling

Heroes of the week


Did we really think I wasn’t going to include Mr Miami Beach, Mr 305, Mr Worldwide himself? Never doubt me

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Now this, this is the funniest candid taken I fear

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Supplying the table of bev? Hero of the week worthy (Even if it is VKs)

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My TRUE hospitality hero of the week- All hospo staff will understand the face of fear during a rush

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Wait why is he serving face- It’s his world, we’re just living in it I guess

Heroines of the week


Now this is c*nty – The animal print, the pose and that smile? she’s up to something for sure

Runners up

She needs to be on a Glastonbury poster not a Subway album – Like I’m getting FOMO and I don’t even like Subway

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This week’s hospitality Heroine- How she looks to be enjoying her job? she serving customers and face, OBSESSED

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Ennis Del Mar? Young Miley Cyrus? Toy Story’s Jesse? I just want her hat honestly

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I know she was harassed until she uploaded this digital cam pics on the group chat

WTF’s of the week


Everybody so creative x (No guys I was genuinely jump scared editing this)

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The average Hive lurkers I fear – It’s difficult to defend you lot

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Trying to think of a witty caption for this and I don’t even know where to start- Alien bin-bag chic? I’m lost

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Now THIS is costume dedication – If I don’t see this level of extra on halloween I’m going to be disappointed

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I feel like something vile has occurred

Best of the rest


Oh I see they came prepared for the paparazzi, some people take their face cards real serious

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Mama… there a Dobby behind you

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Service with a fresh set and a smile? Gorgeous babe x

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Are they working it out on the remix?

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Even in LED room lighting they look this pretty? jealous x

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This is the energy needed in Why Not, please and thanks x

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This is so efortlessly chic, I can’t really describe it

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Spreading all the love aww!!

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When the paparazzi get paped… Inception?

Album Covers of the week

Winner  Runners up Runners up Runners up Runners up  

Photographer Credits

David Stewart: Subway Cowgate

Thomas Image Photography: The Hive

Kealan Bond: Why Not Nightclub

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