From bum-fluff to pubes

Movember continues

It’s week two of Movember and things are getting hairy.

This week has seen the transition from men walking around with bum-fluff on their faces to fully fledged pubes.

While others may laugh at the look of these mini-Adolfs and Stalins, we at the tab respect these men who so proudly stick their upper-lip up at society and fashion, and allow such rank hair to be a part of their face.

Good job gentlemen, keep it up.

Vikram, ‘The Warrior’, battling through Movember

Aleksis, never shaves anyway

Rory, No need to look so sad, it’s almost over!

Justin, his moustache is the source of his strength

Neil, maybe stick to hockey?

Jack, this weeks clear winner and international ladies man, that’s right girls, he speaks Portuguese