Halloween: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Will blackface strike again?

The most anticipated evening of the year is over.

And now it’s time to see the night’s best, laziest and most offensive costumes.

For some, the festivities started early on George Square.

Way to scare off the children.

This brave soul on the other hand decided to ignore EUSA’s “how not to be offensive” guidelines and attended Twilight Zone dressed as Mr. Pistorius.

At least it isn’t blackface.

Oscar has shorter hair.

Others went for more traditional Halloween costumes, ranging from tame to terrifying.

Not that spooky.

Should have dressed as the vacuum cleaner from Teletubbies, it’s genuinely scarier.


What is that?

Creepy clowns were all the rage.

This is a man.

Scarier than watching The Shining alone.


Day of the dead indeed.

One playful student decided to frighten the lactose intolerant population of the university.

Nicely done.

Some male students decided slutty outfits are not reserved for the opposite sex.


Next stop Christmas – unless someone dresses up as a sexy santa or a sultry reindeer, we are all safe from EUSA’s wrath.