Image may contain: Necktie, Clothing, Apparel, Accessories, Accessory, Tie, Person, Human

Clubbers of the Week returns once again

Boogie wonderland

Most complex love triangle

Image may contain: Party, Night Club, Club, Human, Person

Who want to kiss who?

Most awkward combination of facial hair

Image may contain: Fashion, Apparel, Overcoat, Clothing, Coat, Suit, Human, Person

There's just an uncomfortable number of follicles on display here

Cul-de-sac meets edge of the road

Image may contain: Crowd, Clothing, Apparel, Accessory, Tie, Accessories, Human, Person

The cobbled streets of Durham raised him

Most passionate kiss

Image may contain: Make Out, Bar Counter, Pub, Night Club, Crowd, Finger, Club, Night Life, Person, Human

Pure joy.

Breaking it down

Image may contain: Leisure Activities, Dance Pose, Night Club, Club, Person, Human, Apparel, Footwear, Shoe, Clothing

Don't know how close to that floor I'd be getting…

Best impression of a baby seal

Image may contain: Disco, Night Club, Club, Party, Human, Person

I'm as confused as you are

Most metal clubbers

Image may contain: Face, Jacket, Coat, Night Club, Clothing, Apparel, Club, Party, Human, Person

Rock on