Up Yer Kilt

With Burns’ night just gone, many have spent the weekend addressing the haggis in traditional gear. However these bonnie lads and lassies show us how to rock winter’s biggest trend on a daily basis. From punky to saucy, the Tab spotted a handful of tartan-clad students over the weekend.

The Scarf

Wardrobe staple.

Alex, 2nd year Geography and French student, adds a pop of color to her outfit.

The Kilt

Sweating it out at Studio.

Sarah, Theology graduate, picked up this bargain from Topshop.

The Trews

Nothing like a good pair of trews.

Sophia, 3rd year Geology student, was spotted outside Castle.

The Double Whammy

Mystery girl outside the lib

This mystery trend-setter managed to pull off double tartan like nobody’s business.

The Baird Himself

Dashing Dorian.

Dorian, 3rd year PPE student. That coat. Those trousers. Enough said.

The Bodycon

Dominating the field.

Jennifer, 3rd PPE student, stands out in this statement dress.