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A Very Short Introduction To Sex At Cambridge

First you got in, now it’s time to get down.

Apply to be a Fresher Columnist

Applications are open for Cambridge’s MOST READ student paper

How to ditch the weirdo you regret making friends with in Freshers’ Week

We all have that one ‘friend’

Excel-LENT? My Lent Term in under 500 words

If only the girl I was last year, desperately keeping up with the notifications of the offer holders Facebook group, knew who I would be today.

Wine Whine

Gone are the days when my drink of choice was “whatever’s cheapest in Iceland”

The left wing at Cambridge seem desperate to ban just about everything

When will we realise no-platforming flies in the face of progress?

It’s time I admitted to myself that I’m addicted to my iPhone

The struggle is real, and I’m sure I’m not alone

Top 9 places to revise in Cambridge

Excluding libraries…

Choice is power – question your motives

‘Empowerment not objectification’ relies on you having the ‘power’ to chose, but where does this ‘power’ actually lie?

Your boyfriend is probably gay – but that doesn’t make you less of a woman

Don’t let others’ liberation become your oppression

Sex(ism) on the Beach

Closet misogynists, look away now.

Imaginary ‘commie’ me and inequality

Jack talks about his imaginary communist side and economic disparity

Why I hate Cambridge

Or, why I love Cambridge but Cambridge hates me.

The Solution to Porn

In this week’s column, ADRIAN GRAY solves sex. You’re welcome guys

Tim Squirrell – The Tragedy of Enthusiasm

In his first columnn, TIM SQUIRRELL regales us with his thoughts on motivation, identity and keen freshers.

Elly Booth – What if we were blind?

ELLY BOOTH talks candidly about two shameful moments which lead her to discover the truth about beauty and the beast…

Hunter Allen – The horrible secret behind punts

HUNTER ALLEN returns. Again. Or does he? Beware the uneasy trick of the doppelganger.

Elly Booth – I fancy you

ELLY BOOTH really fancies you. Or at least she wishes she did. Cuz that would be more exciting.

Elly Booth – To twerk is to inspire

Still fixated on that foam finger? ELLIE BOOTH tells us to drop it – the new twerking Miley is an inspiration to us all.

Elly Booth – Week 2

Following her Hitchcockian shower horror last week, ELLY BOOTH is back with an oddly rousing call to arms for January…