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Cambridge University building gets a spooky make-over just in time for Halloween

Did someone scale the Senate House just to put pumpkins on the roof?


Cambridge town is getting in the Halloween spirit, or at least one building in particular is.

Four pumpkins mysteriously appeared on the roof of the Cambridge Senate House the day before Halloween. With one on either corner and two taking pride of place in the centre, they beg the question: who is our knight in shining-halloween-tinfoil-armour that managed to accomplish such a deed?

Appearing (in true Halloween spirit) during the night, we can’t know who put them there. Given the location of the building, we might expect it to have been a student at King’s or maybe even a member of staff from Gonville and Caius. The building itself seems to have limited (if any) roof access, so it seems that the daring pumpkin-pushers either climbed up the building or somehow had access to the roof from inside the Senate House.

Image may contain: Dome, Architecture, Building

All photos taken by: Lucy Milazzo, Cambridge 105 Radio

Although we don’t advocate for reckless building scaling in aid of compostable-vandalism, the pumpkins have definitely given Cambridge town a small dose of mystery and amped up the spooky holiday spirit.

So, when you’re stumbling along King’s Parade in your minimal-effort-face-paint-Joker-costume tonight, look upwards towards the Senate House and appreciate the dedication some people took to get the town feeling festive. Or, if the pumpkins have been removed by then, ask yourself: Who removed them? Who put them there in the first place? And why does Halloween bring out this kind of mysterious heist-like behaviour?

If it was you that put the pumpkins there, please message the Tab Cambridge facebook page and let us know how it feels to have won Halloween.