Image may contain: Portrait, Photo, Photography, Glasses, Mustache, Sunglasses, Accessories, Accessory, Person, Face, Human

The Tab’s Movember Round up

Admire the tashtastic efforts of Cambridge students


This November, boys across Cambridge handed in the razor and let their previously tamed tashes grow freely. This made for some, shall we say, interesting sights across campus (esp Caius…)

BUT it was all in the name of a great cause, so let’s admire the charitable efforts of Cambridge’s boys in showing their support for the Movember foundation.

Fernando, Medicine, Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Mustache, Face, Person, Human

There was something in the air that night, your tash shined bright, Fernandooo

Manu, Medicine, Jesus

Image may contain: Photography, Photo, Portrait, Jaw, Hair, Head, Smile, Human, Face, Person

'tis the season to be tashy

Alex, Engineering, Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Selfie, Smile, Head, Portrait, Photo, Photography, Human, Person, Face, Accessory, Glasses, Accessories

Werkkkkk it Alex

Phil, Manufacturing Engineering, Jesus

Image may contain: Jaw, Hair, Head, Human, Face, Person

From boy to man in 30 days

Will, Engineering, Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Nature, Lifejacket, Coat, Vest, Goggles, Person, Human, Hardhat, Crash Helmet, Sunglasses, Accessory, Accessories, Helmet, Apparel, Clothing

What's a guy to do when Movember and Varsity clash? Keep rocking that tash in the alps Will

Alfie, Medicine, Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Face, Person, Human, Glasses, Accessories, Accessory

Alfie has informed us that he is unable to grow a moustache (damn genetics) BUT in the spirit of Movember he grew some slightly dodgy sideburns instead. What you may lack in tash you certainly make up for in effort Alfie

Henry, Medicine, Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Interior Design, Indoors, Mustache, Photography, Portrait, Photo, Furniture, Wood, Man, Shelf, Face, Person, Human

Mmmm bristly

Ted, History, Sidney Sussex

Image may contain: Haircut, Photography, Portrait, Photo, Man, Apparel, Coat, Jacket, Clothing, Hair, Face, Person, Human

Hair raisingly good tash there Ted

Max, Mphil Economics, Jesus

Image may contain: Photography, Portrait, Photo, Man, Face, Human, Person

Rocking that cheeky lil tash there Max

Alex, Alfie, Henry and Fernando – all Gonville and Caius

Image may contain: Housing, Building, Finger, Face, Interior Design, Sitting, Room, Living Room, Indoors, Clothing, Apparel, Glasses, Accessories, Accessory, Couch, Furniture, Person, Human

Bros who tash together stay together

In an age in which men’s health is still not discussed openly enough, Movember pays a huge part in raising awareness of male health issues such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and mental health difficulties. A massive well done to all students who participated in Movember and raised money to support the work of this fantastic charity.

In fact, you all look so peng you should carry on rocking the tashy look…Mocember anyone?