How valued is your master? Pembroke spy chief gets all the dosh while others get pennies

An email leaked to The Tab reveals a colossal pay gap among college masters

Cambridge MI6 News pay gap Pembroke salary

The income of Pembroke’s Master is more than three times the salary of Fitz’s.

The former spy chief, Sir Richard Dearlove, gets a whopping £103,467 a year while masters of colleges like Fitz and Churchill languish behind on £30,342 and £38,419.

Like this except more. Much more

Of those who have so far responded to the FoI request, Sir Richard has the highest income. It could pay for more than 11 undergrads’ tuition fees.

His pay package does include an “employer contribution scheme,” presumably from MI6.

Pembroke came second on this year’s Tompkins Table. Fitz is 19th.

Worth three times more than the one at Fitz

An outraged Art Historian on King’s Parade was unforgiving: “He’s had a lifetime of sipping cocktails and jetsetting.

“Can’t he just accept he’s at an academic institution and bite the bullet?”


A Pembroke second-year was surprised masters are financially rewarded so differently: “Surely they’re all meant to be doing the same job, right?

“So what’s with the massively different pay packets?

“It didn’t even cross my mind that masters would be paid differently.”


UPDATE: 08:31 27th November 2014

Figures published this morning in The Cambridge Student’s investigation show Master’s Lodge expenses reach six figures at Trinity and Medwards.

Medwards Senior Bursar Robert Gardiner justified the high figures for the college’s President, saying “[it] is a full time post – very full time.”

Trinity’s Senior Tutor Rory Landman, commenting on Trinity’s predictably lofty sums, told TCS size does matter: “Trinity College [is] the largest college…I suspect we are not comparing like with like.”


Surprised? Or should we expect shit colleges to pay their masters shit salaries? More to follow on this leaky Cambridge cash cow…