PidgeSecret: Episode Two

PidgeSecret is back… see what Cambridge has been confessing to this week.

Confessions Dara Annett frank warren Hermes launch love pidge pidgesecret pigeon hole project secret Sex the tab

Welcome back to week 2 of PidgeSecret.

Recognise a friend’s? Do you know who did what? Have you felt the same? Read and enjoy…











Thank you to everyone who sent secrets in this week!

Don’t be shy about writing yourself; it can be anything from last night’s regrets, a strange phobia, an inappropriate celebrity crush, or just a funny habit.

There are still some Tab postcards knocking about, a few mottled ones in my bike basket and a rather large stack in the Biffen lecture theatre…

But if you haven’t got one do not despair! In fact next week I’d like to see creative canvases: I’m thinking crushed cans, socks, or the back of your last pack of pro plus. One rule: nothing biodegradable!

As ever send your secrets to Dara Annett, Selwyn College, via the CUMS or post.